Friday, September 7, 2012

The down side

In the 4 weeks I have been running I have not improved my stamina, strength, speed or technique.  If anything, I do believe they have all gotten worse.  My hips continually hurt.  My legs hurt, my sides hurt, everything hurts...still, after all these weeks.  I think that I have mentioned that I am in the slowest pace group in my running club.  There are about 32-36 people in this group.  Each week I come in last.  If not dead last, than close enough to it where I feel.....resistance if futile and I should accept the fact that it is going to take me over 7 hours to run this damn marathon (or that I should stop resisting the urge to quit all together). Walkers continue to pass me by, finishing our training in less time than it takes me - a RUNNER!!!  But I'm not gonna quit; not yet anyway.  I've received a few words of encouragement from my friends Toby and Cindy who have both participated in a marathon.  I truly appreciate what they have told me and I am determined to see this thru....for now anyways.

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