Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Theories...The up side

Soooo I have a couple of theories as to why my running has not improved like I thought it would.  The first one being the type of music I listen to while running. I've noticed that the more upbeat the music is, the better I run.  Currently, my music of preference is the sad, depressing, kill yourself variety of all ages (Staind, Alanis Morissette, ADELE, Amy Winehouse, Lauren Hill, portions of Jill Scott, etc).  I'm currently really into Florence + The Machine (Lungs and Ceremonials).  But that really should not be the type of music I listen to when I run.  It slows me down; makes me think too much.

So, what makes me run faster?  What has me almost dancing a jig as I run...ridiculously ignorant rap music.  That's right....Waka Flaka, Tyga -  "B, I'm the Shyt," Travis Porter - "Ayy Ladies," Prozpect, Lil' Wayne, Rick Ross, Prodigy, Meek Mill, Dorrough - "Ice Cream Paint Job," DJ Khaled, Calvin Harris - "Let's Go," to name a few.  I'll can also get down to some Guns & Roses - "Welcome to the Jungle" or Rage Against the Machine.  See where I'm going with this.  I need to run to some music that will make me want to light up my cigar and sip my Cognac.  If I run while listening to the latter, I run faster, cleaner and stronger than I do while running to the former.

Another thing I have noticed is that just because you run well one day does not mean you will the next.  This past week I started out on my 4 mile run.  I was doing exceptionally well throughout the hour it took me to do it.  I finally felt like I was seeing some real results.  My stride was good, my time was good, my breathing and pain levels were great.  I felt great and began to lose some of the negative feelings I have towards running and excersice in general.  I beat all my previous times and attained new personal bests for everything.

The next day I seemed to lose all my gumption. At first I was running better than I had the day before.  Unfortunately after I hit the 3 mile mark, my body completely shut down.  I literally had tears in my eyes and had to stop my self from crying.  I got extremely depressed in the seconds it took to lose all my momentum.  I felt ashamed, embarrassed and let down. I never wanted to run again. I was doing so well; what the heck happened.  I walked a majority of the way back to my house never really getting my umph back.  I just couldn't do it.

The next day I received an email from my running club re the ABC's of running.  The "B" in particular caught my attention as it referred to "bonking" out - Everything I had just experience the day before.  It said what I already knew, but ignored:

  • "Don't bonk - run out of energy - during your training. This becomes a bigger issue as we increase mileage, but this is the time to start seeing how you can fuel yourself best.  See what you can handle for your pre-training breakfast, try different sports beverages and sample items during the longer training distances.  Proper nutrition and hydration, always important, take on special significance when asking the body to go 13.1 or 26.2 miles"

Since I've started regularly running over 3 miles I have constantly suffered from dizziness, a bit of blurred vision, an equilibrium that is up in arms, a lack of energy, a constant feeling that I'm going to topple over, etc etc.  I defiantly have not and do not get the correct amount of fuel, hydration and nutrition.  I usually have coffee for breakfast, cup of noodle or left overs for lunch and a sandwich or omelet for dinner.  Washing it all down with water and or some good ole fashioned delicious Pepsi.  I don't like vegetables or fruit, and I hate supplements and heath bars/drinks.  Also, I like to drink...liquor.  Not everyday, but more than most women, men and children on the planet.

Could it be that I have not been properly "fueling" my body??  Could it be that while my mind thinks all is well, my body is saying "naw b**** it ain't."  When I'm at work, watching TV, cooking and more I feel like I'm going to pass out.  Lately I don't even have the energy to write my blog (god forbid)!!  Could it be that I need to take the warning signs my body is giving me a bit more serious, that they are there for a reason??  Is that why my hips hurt so bad; that they feel as though they will never heal and I will never be free of the pain?? Is it, is it, IS IT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Well what can I say.  I'ma slow learner.  Since I read the newsletter I felt better about running and didn't want to quit.  It's been over a week and I still haven't changed my eating routine or bought any "fuel."  But at least now I know why I get so winded after about 3 miles, and I know what I have to do to change it.  Will I???? Only time will tell ;)

Friday, September 7, 2012

The down side

In the 4 weeks I have been running I have not improved my stamina, strength, speed or technique.  If anything, I do believe they have all gotten worse.  My hips continually hurt.  My legs hurt, my sides hurt, everything hurts...still, after all these weeks.  I think that I have mentioned that I am in the slowest pace group in my running club.  There are about 32-36 people in this group.  Each week I come in last.  If not dead last, than close enough to it where I feel.....resistance if futile and I should accept the fact that it is going to take me over 7 hours to run this damn marathon (or that I should stop resisting the urge to quit all together). Walkers continue to pass me by, finishing our training in less time than it takes me - a RUNNER!!!  But I'm not gonna quit; not yet anyway.  I've received a few words of encouragement from my friends Toby and Cindy who have both participated in a marathon.  I truly appreciate what they have told me and I am determined to see this thru....for now anyways.