Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fuel, Hydration, Nutrition (Part 1)


Went out and purchased an assortment of various gels, bars, shots, etc.

Nothing really seems to be working. The bars do not give me energy.  The gel shots were not to nice in my mouth. They somewhat fill me up, but I'm ALWAYS hungry now a days so they do not do much.  Don't really know what else to do.  I'm definitely eating more and try as I may to "load" up on carbs, my stamina has not improved.

If all else fails, I'm a sucker for gummy bears/worms.  So I can snack on those during my "long runs."  Geesh, I still don't even like typing "long runs." So out of character for me and still very very scary.


Coconut water-not very tasty but I suppose it gets the job done during the runs.

Power aid-flavored water that does not always taste good and makes my stomach a little queasy.

Water-the best after a long run, or any run for that matter.  Still my favorite by far, but only when its ice cold.


Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Lots and lots of deeply rich and dark colored assortments of natures finest (I don't know if that sentence made sense but I don't really care).  I can say my digestion is much better than it has ever been, but that is about it.  I don't feel any better than when I was eating strictly homemade crap.  Maybe just a little lighter ;D

I feel I do have an aversion to fast food. Not necessarily unhealthy foods, but just food served at fast food restaurants.  I was never really a fast food person per say.  I've been known to throw down on some McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries, and some of the other chains have stuff I really do like.  But lately I find myself not even wanting to eat anything that has been "prepared" at a fast food restaurant   I feel like I'm becoming one of those people I hate.  "Oh lawd have mercy, that's sooooo unhealthy for you."  "Oh my god, Becky. Look at that fat."  I turn up my nose at just the thought/idea/notion of eating fast food.  What have I become (insert sad-very sad-unsmiley face).


Started on one of my midweek runs.  During the last leg (damnit, its always ALWAYS the last friggin leg), I had to call my mother to pick me up. I lost all momentum and could not finish to the run. It was either that or risk walking, very slowly, back home in the dark and begin kidnapped or eaten by wild animals.....I chose to call my mother :(

Still not giving up......

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Theories...The up side

Soooo I have a couple of theories as to why my running has not improved like I thought it would.  The first one being the type of music I listen to while running. I've noticed that the more upbeat the music is, the better I run.  Currently, my music of preference is the sad, depressing, kill yourself variety of all ages (Staind, Alanis Morissette, ADELE, Amy Winehouse, Lauren Hill, portions of Jill Scott, etc).  I'm currently really into Florence + The Machine (Lungs and Ceremonials).  But that really should not be the type of music I listen to when I run.  It slows me down; makes me think too much.

So, what makes me run faster?  What has me almost dancing a jig as I run...ridiculously ignorant rap music.  That's right....Waka Flaka, Tyga -  "B, I'm the Shyt," Travis Porter - "Ayy Ladies," Prozpect, Lil' Wayne, Rick Ross, Prodigy, Meek Mill, Dorrough - "Ice Cream Paint Job," DJ Khaled, Calvin Harris - "Let's Go," to name a few.  I'll can also get down to some Guns & Roses - "Welcome to the Jungle" or Rage Against the Machine.  See where I'm going with this.  I need to run to some music that will make me want to light up my cigar and sip my Cognac.  If I run while listening to the latter, I run faster, cleaner and stronger than I do while running to the former.

Another thing I have noticed is that just because you run well one day does not mean you will the next.  This past week I started out on my 4 mile run.  I was doing exceptionally well throughout the hour it took me to do it.  I finally felt like I was seeing some real results.  My stride was good, my time was good, my breathing and pain levels were great.  I felt great and began to lose some of the negative feelings I have towards running and excersice in general.  I beat all my previous times and attained new personal bests for everything.

The next day I seemed to lose all my gumption. At first I was running better than I had the day before.  Unfortunately after I hit the 3 mile mark, my body completely shut down.  I literally had tears in my eyes and had to stop my self from crying.  I got extremely depressed in the seconds it took to lose all my momentum.  I felt ashamed, embarrassed and let down. I never wanted to run again. I was doing so well; what the heck happened.  I walked a majority of the way back to my house never really getting my umph back.  I just couldn't do it.

The next day I received an email from my running club re the ABC's of running.  The "B" in particular caught my attention as it referred to "bonking" out - Everything I had just experience the day before.  It said what I already knew, but ignored:

  • "Don't bonk - run out of energy - during your training. This becomes a bigger issue as we increase mileage, but this is the time to start seeing how you can fuel yourself best.  See what you can handle for your pre-training breakfast, try different sports beverages and sample items during the longer training distances.  Proper nutrition and hydration, always important, take on special significance when asking the body to go 13.1 or 26.2 miles"

Since I've started regularly running over 3 miles I have constantly suffered from dizziness, a bit of blurred vision, an equilibrium that is up in arms, a lack of energy, a constant feeling that I'm going to topple over, etc etc.  I defiantly have not and do not get the correct amount of fuel, hydration and nutrition.  I usually have coffee for breakfast, cup of noodle or left overs for lunch and a sandwich or omelet for dinner.  Washing it all down with water and or some good ole fashioned delicious Pepsi.  I don't like vegetables or fruit, and I hate supplements and heath bars/drinks.  Also, I like to drink...liquor.  Not everyday, but more than most women, men and children on the planet.

Could it be that I have not been properly "fueling" my body??  Could it be that while my mind thinks all is well, my body is saying "naw b**** it ain't."  When I'm at work, watching TV, cooking and more I feel like I'm going to pass out.  Lately I don't even have the energy to write my blog (god forbid)!!  Could it be that I need to take the warning signs my body is giving me a bit more serious, that they are there for a reason??  Is that why my hips hurt so bad; that they feel as though they will never heal and I will never be free of the pain?? Is it, is it, IS IT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Well what can I say.  I'ma slow learner.  Since I read the newsletter I felt better about running and didn't want to quit.  It's been over a week and I still haven't changed my eating routine or bought any "fuel."  But at least now I know why I get so winded after about 3 miles, and I know what I have to do to change it.  Will I???? Only time will tell ;)

Friday, September 7, 2012

The down side

In the 4 weeks I have been running I have not improved my stamina, strength, speed or technique.  If anything, I do believe they have all gotten worse.  My hips continually hurt.  My legs hurt, my sides hurt, everything hurts...still, after all these weeks.  I think that I have mentioned that I am in the slowest pace group in my running club.  There are about 32-36 people in this group.  Each week I come in last.  If not dead last, than close enough to it where I feel.....resistance if futile and I should accept the fact that it is going to take me over 7 hours to run this damn marathon (or that I should stop resisting the urge to quit all together). Walkers continue to pass me by, finishing our training in less time than it takes me - a RUNNER!!!  But I'm not gonna quit; not yet anyway.  I've received a few words of encouragement from my friends Toby and Cindy who have both participated in a marathon.  I truly appreciate what they have told me and I am determined to see this thru....for now anyways.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Not Really Getting Any Better......

I'm really in a lot of pain.  So much so that I wonder everyday, why in the world am I doing this.  Why am I doing this to my body, to my wallet (won't even get into how much money I've spent on "gear"), to time I could be spending with my daughter, to my mind (lack of adequate rest), to my body.  Since I have started this journey I walk like an old lady.  My hips are in constant pain.  So much so that I walk doubled over and I feel like I need a cane.  No amount of pre/post stretching seems to help.  I fear I will be walking like this and enduring the hip pain for the next six months.

Since I started running I've gained 8 pounds...ehh?????  Not going to say I've started eating any better, but I haven't been eating worse.  My bad habits haven't changed.  Some say it's muscle; I sure don't look any leaner.  Nor do I see the rippling effects I think 8 pounds should produce on a body.  I guess only time will tell.

The group run went well this week.  Nothing too exciting except....during the last leg of the run a biker totally bit it on the bike path. I mean it looked serious enough to call the ambulance.  He said he was fine and just a little embarrassed; that only his ego was hurt.  But he crashed (face first/nose dived) straight into a yellow pole designating a crosswalk.  He flipped over and landed on his head.  Our mentor said we were not at fault as we were crossing the path at the time of the crash.  He agreed, but dang it looked really REALLY bad.

My weekly runs have been rather uneventful.  I do feel that my stamina has increased.  During the first 2 to 3 miles I seem to do really well.  Unfortunately, the last mile seems to really take a toll on me and it a tremendous effort to finish.  I will admit that I am a little under the weather so that might have something to do with it.  I guess I'll see next week.  I still hate running but it's getting a little better/easier as the days, weeks, months go by......

Friday, August 24, 2012

Still Not Sold

Mid Week Workouts - Running Sucks!!!

1.  Run
Ate three slices of delicious totally bad for you stuffed crust pizza and now I'm heading out the door to run/train.  When I get back I think I'm going to top it off with a nice cold Pepsi or beer.  I'll decide when I get home.  Even though I'm running, for some odd reason I've gained 2 pounds and I look rather bloated.  I don't know why.  I had two cup of noodles for lunch and I snack, conservatively, on mini chocolate bars all day......

Anyhoot, I start off on my 3 mile journey.  Gross homeless man tries to get my attention as I run past him.  Ewww, he looks like he's trying to follow me.  I must Run Lola Run and hope to God I don't cross his path again.  I check for my pepper spray, got it, but luckily I don't see him again.  All else goes well I guess.  During the last leg of my run, "oh bleeping bleep," my phone dies.  I hate running, but I really really really HATE my phone.  My smartphone (debatable) has an app that records my time, distance, etc.  If my phone is not on it does not record my data.  I hate my phone.  The last quarter mile was becoming a turning point for me.  One of my favorite songs came on so I was really feeling it.  I got an extra little charge and was on my way, then.....damn phone cuts off.  It completely reboots.  So now I am stuck running with no music and no accurate time/distance, which is killing the momentum I just built running three times around this stupid bleeping track.  Did I mention I hate my phone.....

I must have been taking an extremely long time to complete my run.  By the time I finished I swear I was the only one left at the Forum.  It was awful dark and quiet and it seemed like everybody just disappeared.  It was just me, myself and Irene out there.  All the men, women, kids, family's, stray dogs and cats, homeless people, crickets etc that were out in abundance when I arrive had vanished.  The place was eerily quiet.  It was like I was the only one who didn't get the memo: "Don't get Caught at the Forum at the Witching Hour: Don't you know that's when the Dragons come out and get you???? DUH!!!"  I mean damn Gina, I don't think I was that slow.  Well maybe, just a little bit.

2.  Pilates
Didn't think there was anything I dislike more than running.  Well, I was wrong; I don't like Pilates.  Not just Pilates per say, but the type of Pilates I was doing. This type is meant to punish people for being lazy couch potatoes for God only knows how many years of their lives.  Punishment for eating crap, drinking sugary drinks, driving a block to pick up potato chips when you easily could have walked.  For not stretching enough, not drinking enough water....for basically being the 99%.  From their website:

combination of weight training and Pilates done on our exclusive Proformers.....Pilates utilizes the best of both worlds: the strengthening and toning benefits of weight training, and the lengthening and postural enhancing benefits of Pilates in a circuit training sequence.

Not going to lie, the shyt was hard; real hard!!!  And it's only 45 minutes.  Forty-five minutes of pure, unadulterated hell. You're on a machine, one that looks like it should be used as a kinky sex machine.  There are all types of pulleys, harnesses, sliding platforms, elastic cords and more on one machine that you use to whip yourself into shape.  Very low intensity resistance training at it's best.  You really use every muscle in your body, you're only weight is you.  When class is done, you're shaking.  Literally, you're hands are shaking like you just got the shit scared out of you by a butcher knife wielding psychopath with a Jason Hockey-mask.  The instructor expects you to shake and makes sure you know that you will be shaking for a good 15 minutes after class ends.

The next day, my entire neck is sore (starting right below my ears), my back hurts, my butt hurts, legs, arms, etc.  The plus side....after about 20 minutes, once I got the hang of it, I kinda liked it.  Even though I can barely walk and it hurts to stretch, breathe and/or extend my lungs (my rib cages and the muscles surrounding them) and my stomach muscles are in agony....I think or rather can guarantee I will be going back.  It's a bit expensive so I'll  be going once a month.  That, paired with monthly Yoga class and my twice monthly Zumba DVD workout should be enough to satisfy one of the prerequisite mid-week training.

3.  Run
My old war injury (left knee) is acting up.  I have to ice it after every run.  I have tendentious in my left foot as well.  I have to wear an air cast after every run.  Life for my body is pretty rough in general.  Why I would punish it even further is beyond me.  I really want to quit but my mother is threatening physical violence against me if I do.  I do believe she will "kick my butt" as she says :/

That being said, my run today was not as strenuous as I had previously imagined it would be.  Especially after doing Pilates last night. I could barely walk all day, but still I ran almost 3 miles in under an hour (49:42 minutes to be exact).  My pace is 14:41 minutes, down from 15:21 last week.  I guess that is progress.....I guess. In all fairness I still do not like running.  I do not understand how people really enjoy running as a leisurely activity.  I understand it is a great way to stay in shape and be healthy (if you take out the tremendous strain it puts on your joints, knees, ankles and feet).  I don't think I ever will get it.  Well I get why people don't run, but not why they do.  Hopefully the more meetings with my club (early early EARLY on Saturday mornings, another reason I don't get it), the more guest speakers, emails from my mentors and research I do will help me better understand they "why's" and just not the "why nots."

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Doing a little better...I think

Week 2 - Still don't like running.

Ran 2 miles in 32 minutes Saturday morning.  Don't know if that is a good thing or a very very bad/slow thing.  I think it's not too good as I was one of the last people to make it back from my pace group.  FYI, I am in the SLOWEST pace group in my running club.  The 14 minute/mile group is the slowest/last group you can be in and still be considered a "runner."  As opposed to a walker, and that is for old ladies ;D

I've calculated my marathon run time based on my current pace.  7 hours.... 7 FREAKING hours to complete this damnable race.  From this day forward, I'm working on improving this time.  I would like to finishing in 4 but am will accept anything in the 5 hour plus range....Now I don't know how realistic this goal is, but I'd like to keep my options open.

The run this Saturday was interesting, to say the least. About half way through the last/slowest leg we had a cheering section. A voice of encouragement during this difficult period of the run.  It was really sweet.  A homeless man was yelling at us.  Telling us all we were fat and were not going to make it.  And I quote "You're all FAT!! Go home, you are not going to make it!!!!!"  How's that for positive reinforcement ;D  Last week I smelled the oh so sweet smell of weed being smoked in one of the many public restrooms.  By public I mean the wash station for the countless homeless men, women and children who reside on the beaches of Santa Monica.  I do often wonder how they feel.  The homeless who have their homes trampled upon every year by countless would be marathoners like myself.  Encroaching upon their space so we can run a marathon that will only service our delicate egos.  Making ourselves feel better and more fulfilled in life, while they starve and are forced to be pitied and looked down upon by the many who pass through their homes every weekend.  Don't get me wrong, I was cracking up when I heard the chant.  Everyone has a right to their opinion.  Plus, from what I've been told, that is just the tip of the iceberg.  I've been told to expect a hell of a lot more in the coming 6 months.  I will write about it all.

Curious observations:  I would like to add that there are a lot of women in the entire running club.  Like a disproportionately amount of women to men.  There are lots oh lots oh lots of women (every kind of woman imaginable - all different shapes, sizes, ages, etc.), couples, female couples, not too many male couples that I'm aware of, a few men and did I mention women. Maybe all the professional runners or men are training at the other more "posh" running club in Venice.  It is definitely more expensive and possibly attracts a different type of runner than what I am seeing at my running club.  I prefer my club as there are more folks like me there.  Versus the pretentiousness that is most likely represented at the other club in Venice.  Comradely is crucial and I feel it represented here 10 fold.  I do not regret my decision at all (to join the club, not the running part-I regret that everyday, but I digress)!!!

There was also a hell of a lot of funky BO lingering around for that many women, ah-hem, I mean people, at 6:30-7 in the morning.  I got there around 7:15am and WOOOSH was my nose surprised by what it got hit with.  I mean damn!!!  It was funky, really really funky.  Everyone was gathering at their designated pace group spots so we were all kind of clustered together.  But we were outside and I definitely do not have a sensitive nose.  I just hope this is not a normal occurrence of things to come.  I can handle the insults thrown at me my homeless people, as I kind of understand their contempt.  But come on people, do you really have to be that smelly at 7 in the morning? Just wondering.

Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm doing this because??????.......

Mid week run #2 sans baby....kinda.  I brought my mom along to watch/walk with the little tyke so I can get some serious training done.  Things started off good.  GPS Running app working...check.  Baby taken care of....check.  My music is selected and ready.....check.  I'm hydrated and ready to roll.  Now lets get movin.....Eeh.

The leg cramps started first; back of both legs, ouch!!   I keep on, waiting for the morphine/endorphin's your body naturally produces to kick in and get rid of the pain.  It doesn't.  Mmmmm, maybe it does.  After awhile the pain starts to subside. Could be because I slowed down, could be the opiates....only my body knows. During the first 3-5 minutes of my run, I really feel like stopping, giving up and going home.  Like I really REALLY feel this way.  I continue to feel this way for the duration of my run.  I cannot stress the fact enough of how much I truly dislike running.  Why oh why in the world did I ever think I could do this?  Why oh why do I WANT to do this?  These thoughts course through my head continuously as I carry on around the Forum. I'm beginning to get a cramp in my side.  Is all this pain worth it?  Is any of this worth it?

My friend called the other day. The one who is running the marathon with me; my running buddy.  She called to check up, make sure I've been training and gloat.  Since our first Saturday run, she ran the following Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  How do I tell my friend I think I've made a horrible.....little mistake.  I don't want to do this anymore.  It's much harder than I thought.  It was my idea to do the marathon.  I had to convince her to join.  Literally kicking and screaming she was.  I had to call her a bunch of names (coward, punk, loser, to name a few) just to get her interested.  Now she's loving it and I want to quit.  OMG I haaaaatttteee running!!!! Soldier on my ass.  I want to sleep in on Saturdays, eat popcorn with a nice cold Pepsi (with a little/lot of rum) while watching a movie on my couch late at night on Fridays or early Saturday mornings.  Not worry about pace groups and minute/miles, Garmin watches, moisture wicking socks, chafing, energy gels, sports bras, AAAHHHH the lists go on and on.

Don't get me wrong.  I totally want all of this stuff.  I think that's why I wanted to run in the first place.  The idea of running, plus obsessing about all the extra stuff that goes along with it sold me for sure.  I love to research, investigate and SHOP.  I'm like a bored housewife or a rich lady on the planning committee of a charity.  Doing something to divert my attention away from my otherwise boring and uneventful life.  Just trying to fill my time. I've done all the research, planning, organizing and whatnot.  But of course I don't really want to deal with those poor people, or talk to them, or get to know them.  I just want to be appreciated and applauded for the work I put into saving them.  It's like going on a date with your long time crush.  After God only knows how many days, months, years you've obsessed over this person.  You finally go out, eat, talk, play, have your goodnight kiss and "that's what all the hoopla was about."  Life was better when you loved them from afar.  Now your just disappointed and bitter.